SEO for Technology Companies

Data-driven SEO services for tech companies.

No contracts. No Empty Promises. No commitments. Just results.

Find out how we boosted this tech company’s traffic by 484%
Avantra results

“We’re now generating leads through our website, which is fantastic for us. We’ve moved up in the rankings on Google. We’re hitting a helluva lot more first-page results than we did before, which is all fantastic and what we wanted.”

Ollie Turner
Ollie Turner

Purchasing Manager, Lyon Managed services

Increase your digital presence with a free SEO review

We Are a Bull-S*%t Free SEO Agency

Members of the GeekyTech team in a meeting discussing SEO for Technology Companies

Leverage the Power of SEO for Technology to Drive Quality Leads

You’re a world-changing technology company—now all you need is an online presence that reflects your offline authority. With the right SEO strategy, you’ll maximise your visibility and attract the right kind of audience—your customers. 


Don’t let your website get lost on page ten (or even page two!) of Google. If you’ve got a marketing strategy and you know who your customers are, we’ll help you extend your audience reach with a highly optimised website that blows your competition out of the water.


We’ll help you give your competitors something to worry about.

SEO For Tech And Software Companies

You have the brand, the product, the service, the website…so why aren’t your customers finding you?


We can help with that.


Geeky Tech is an SEO company for tech companies and SaaS. We know what it takes to drive up your Google search rankings and boost targeted traffic. We’ve helped B2B and B2C tech enterprises become household names in their industries with our holistic, data-driven approach to digital marketing.


Ben working on SEO for technology companies strategies, maximising visibility and attracting the right audience

The Benefits Of SEO for Software and IT Companies

Technology moves at lightning speed. You want to stay ahead of the curve and remain visible to your customers at all times, no matter what’s trending. Without an effective search engine optimisation strategy, your site won’t reach potential customers. It’s that simple.


If you’re still wondering if SEO for technology companies is worth the price of admission, consider its benefits:

Why Is SEO So Important for Marketing?

It seems like the real question here is, “are websites important for marketing?” and the answer to that is one resounding yes! You probably already knew that, otherwise, you wouldn’t be here. 

But if the question is, “should I split my marketing efforts between organic search optimisation and other online marketing strategies?” take a look at the statistics:

How often do people use the internet to find what they’re looking for? 5.6 billion times a day or 63,000 times a second.


Focus your marketing efforts on where the people are.

Ready for more site visibility? Start with a free SEO review.

Why SEO for B2B Tech Companies Is Different

Everyone and their grandmother uses the internet. Customers know a good website when they one. The bar is raised even higher when you’re representing a tech-savvy industry. Without proper SEO, you run the risk of losing your customers along with your company’s credibility.


Whether you’re a B2B or B2C business, you need to have the strongest possible online presence to stand out in this highly-competitive and ever-evolving industry. Working with an SEO agency that understands how your customers think gives you the head-start you need to drive up organic traffic and guide your customers through the sales funnel.

Our Tech Company SEO Services

Our full-scale digital marketing services are backed by data-driven SEO techniques and a team of experts. Every service we offer has been developed and tested in house with incredible ongoing success.

We’re driven by results. We know our SEO services can completely change the game for your website. Here’s how we do it:

Keyword Strategy & Development

A strong keyword strategy is the foundation of successful SEO. The right keywords and phrases on your webpages serve multiple functions. They:

  • Tell Google what your site is all about so that you can be properly ranked.
  • Tell customers who you are so they know they’ve come to the right place.
  • Drive traffic away from your competitors and onto your site.


Without the right keyword foundations, no one—neither Google nor your customers—will find you. So, how do we pick a unique set of keywords that serve both your audience and search engines?


It’s all about research, strategy, and development, baby.

Our Keyword Research Analysis Steps

  1. Learn about your customers and their search behaviour.
  2. Research customers to find out if they’re ranking for any of those terms.
  3. Determine if your site can compete for those terms and build a strategy to rank for them.
  4. Set up your site to monitor and track your results following the optimisation of your web pages.

Now that we’ve developed a robust keyword strategy, our B2C and B2B SEO agency can start injecting these new terms into your site’s pages.

Technical & On-Page Optimisation

On-page optimisation is a never-ending dance between form and function. We make sure your site is working just as hard on the backend as it is on the front end.

The main purpose of on-page optimisation is to please both Google and your customer. We do that by making sure your site is fast, functional, and device-friendly.

Where do we start? With a comprehensive site audit.

Technical SEO

The first thing we do as a technical SEO agency is find out if your site is working properly. Makes sense, right?

This is not the most glamorous step in the process, but it underpins all our other SEO efforts. When we audit your site, we’re checking for the nitty-gritty details that could be making it difficult or impossible for Google to index your pages.

The bad news?

We’ll probably find something. But it’s not your fault. Many agencies who claim to offer SEO for tech companies have been known to miss a step or flip a switch that confuses the heck out of Google’s web crawlers (this happens a lot during web migrations).

The good news?

We know how to fix it! And once it’s done, Google has a chance to look at your site with fresh eyes and a better understanding of how to index you.

You speak tech, so maybe you’ll appreciate the kind of microdetails that go into technical SEO (here’s just a small example):

  • Robot.txt not blocking resources
  • Redirect chains
  • Duplicated content
  • Broken links
  • Google’s Mobile-Friendly test
  • HTML improvements in Google Search Console
  • Fix duplicate meta
  • Schema Markup
  • Relative navigation handling
  • Google Speed Insights
  • Local GeoTags
  • Dynamic urls

On-Page SEO Best Practices
We talk about on-page and technical SEO like they’re two different things, but really, one doesn’t exist without the other, and both are concerned about the on-page user experience.

Nailing the on-page SEO stage is critical to your site’s ranking. While Google has several ranking factors (about 200, in fact), many of them have to do with how your pages are optimised.

To move your site’s up, we apply the on-page SEO best practices and our tried-and-tested techniques to optimise:

  • Content
  • Title Tags
  • URLs
  • Images

Remember those keywords we researched? Now’s the time to add them to your site!

Off-Page Optimisation & Backlinking
We look beyond your website to build and strengthen your site authority and web presence.

You might be saying, “but we already are an authority!” That may be true, but Google has seen its fair share of con artists. So, if you want your site to mirror all your real-world expertise, you’ll need to prove that other people think you’re just as great.

Translation: you need backlinks from other high-quality websites.

How We Hook You Up With Quality Backlinks

We build and optimise links across the following channels to demonstrate your site’s credibility and protect your brand from copy-cat sites:

  • Local directories and Google Maps
  • Audience-related Q&A sites
  • Wiki & Yahoo! Answers
  • Blog comments
  • Press releases
  • Articles on high-authority blogs and relevant domains
  • Forums
  • Interviews
  • Product reviews
  • And more
Ongoing Management & Maintenance
Here’s the thing. The first page of Google is the most coveted spot in the digital world. You’re competing against every current and future competitor who’s working hard to take your keywords, your Google rankings, and your customers.

The only way to stay number one is to keep optimising your website. Our ongoing maintenance includes:

  • Monthly detailed reporting with your custom Google Data
  • Studio search report
  • Ongoing keyword research and optimisation
  • Ongoing link-building and off-page site mentions
  • Ongoing recommendations, site fixes, etc.
Remarketing Services

Your SEO is working hard to bring relevant traffic to your website. But once your customers exit your web page, a remarketing campaign can make sure you stay relevant and top of mind for whenever your customer reaches the next stage of their buying journey.

We highly recommend remarketing campaign if:

  • You want to reach your target customer after they’ve already interacted with your site
  • You’re about to release a brand-new product or service
  • You want to benefit from an instant hit of site traffic
  • You want to gather key data about your customers to bolster your SEO efforts

Technology Companies We Serve


Expand your audience reach to improve your site’s visibility and get more B2B software buyers and subscribers.


Our SEO for IT companies is all about developing a strategy to put you in front of businesses, schools, and property managers searching for IT managed services.


We’ll make your customers connect to your site just as you connect your customers to your product. 


We work behind the scenes of your website so you can work behind the scenes for your customers.

Cloud Services

Drive your site’s visibility to attract more B2C and B2B clients. Make your IaaS, SaaS, PaaS a household name. 


You’ve got a product, now let’s show it to the world. With the help of SEO, we’ll expand your customer reach to hit your sales targets.

Why We Don’t List Our Prices (because we know you’re looking for them)

Our tech company SEO services don’t come with standard prices because everything we do is made to measure. It would be impossible to list a set price because every customer is so different.

We’d rather spend time learning about your marketing objectives and doing a full site audit before giving you a detailed estimate. We’ve worked with budgets of all sizes, and timelines of all lengths, so why not give us a shout to discuss your tech business needs?

We Love Our Tech Customers

If you’ve made it this far, we can only assume you like what you see (why else would you be down here?). So, now let’s show you what we can do. Check out our case studies to see the real results of our SEO for software companies and tech enterprises.

Ready for real business growth? Book your free SEO review with one of our Geeks

Our Tech Company SEO Geeks

Let’s Geek Out Together

In case you haven’t noticed, we love tech. Our digital IT marketing agency is made up of a real geeky bunch of SEO strategists, advertising ninjas, data scientists, web creatives, and social media gurus. 


Collectively, our team has decades of experience working in and for software, tech, and IT. It’s an industry we’re passionate about and one that pairs so well with our SEO work. Working with a team that speaks your language makes for a happy partnership. 

Who We Are

We like to keep our team small. It’s all about quality, not quantity. When you sign up with Geeky Tech, you’ll be assigned the same team members throughout this process. It makes it easier to remember our names, plus you’ll know exactly who to speak to when you have a question that needs answering.  

If you’re a marketer from a technology, SaaS, or software company and you need a digital-marketing team to get your website on the map, get in touch with us today.