
Less is More: Halving Content to Double Traffic & Triple Conversions for Conidia Bioscience

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Conidia Bioscience develops, manufactures, and supplies rapid fuel testing kits for the aviation, marine, and land diesel sectors.

Key Results

0 x
more visitors and page-one rankings within 3 months
0 %
more site visits in 6 months
0 %
more conversions

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Key Deliverables

Discover how a content overhaul and targeted SEO strategy led to doubled traffic and tripled conversions for Conidia Bioscience, an aviation, marine, and land diesel fuel testing company.

The Challenge

Ahrefs data demonstrating Conidia’s monthly organic traffic

The Solution

“Geeky Tech surprised us every step of the way and truly are completely different from other agencies.”

David Mitchell
David Mitchell

Global Manager for Aviation Markets

The Results

Google Analytics data showing organic sessions increase per month.

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Key Deliverables

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