How Automation Consultants Achieved a Staggering 640% Increase in Conversions in Just 12 Months

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Automation Consultants is an Agile and DevOps consulting firm specialising in Atlassian,, and AppFox managed services.

Results in Numbers

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increase in conversions
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more qualified leads in 2023 Q1 compared to 2022 Q1

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Key Deliverables

Automation Consultants needed to fine-tune its content strategy with high-quality keywords to drive more qualified leads to its website. In just a few short months, we helped the team of B2B consultants find their customers (or, more accurately, the other way around) and increase its number of YoY leads by 69%.

The Challenge

When we met with the team at Automation Consultants, their site was already generating a fair amount of traffic—unfortunately, that traffic was coming from the wrong audience. Although its numbers looked great, the site wasn’t really pulling its weight in terms of lead generation. 


The marketing team needed a keyword strategy to target the B2B audience looking for Jira and managed services.

Automation Consultants Conversions 1

Google Analytics data demonstrating increased conversions.

The Solution

Our keyword strategists first needed to understand how the team’s current content was missing its mark. We researched their competitors and reverse-engineered their highest-ranking pages to see which keywords were being used to attract the type of customers AC was looking for. 


On our quest to discover the best way to attract the right kind of traffic, we also looked into its target audience’s search behaviour. Armed with enough research, we developed a list of high-quality keywords and armed the folks at Automation Consultants with a content calendar. 

“Working in collaboration with Geeky Tech has yielded fantastic results for us – in terms of year on year comparison we’ve seen an uplift of 167% in the numbers of leads generated in just one quarter!”

Leah Leah Lemm Serruya
Leah Lemm-Serruya

Head Of Marketing at Automation Consultants

The Results

Automation Consultants Leads

CRM data demonstrating a boost in qualified leads.

Thanks to our intensive work on keyword research and strategy, the quality of traffic began to change for the better. In just a year (and beyond the recording of the testimonial video), the number of Q1 qualified leads increased by 47%, which means that its website is no longer just a pretty face but a valuable inbound marketing tool.

Optimise your B2B website for success.
Book a call with Christian and receive a free SEO review.

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