Get In Touch

We do love a good chat, so please reach out anytime.

Geeky Tech Geeks having a meeting
Ben in a booth
Mark Ben and Chloe at work

We don’t really believe in cold-calling or outbound sales at Geeky Tech. We also don’t believe in giving a price estimate without knowing more about your business’ website needs. Our solutions aren’t really a one-size-fits-all type of thing either, so the more we know about how we can help you, the more accurate our initial estimate will be. In case you haven’t guessed, we speak fluent Geek, so don’t hold back if you need to talk servers, switches, and tech.

A lot of our team members are based around London, Surrey, and the south east of England, but let us know before you pop in to our Guildford office for a chat—we might just be working from the remote jungles of Thailand or the rugged landscape of Australia’s Outback (we’re only kinda kidding). In other words, give us a head’s up if you want to stop by because we could be off having adventures…or (more likely) working in our PJs.

How we can help ?
UK Office

Parallel House, 32 London Road
Guildford, Surrey, GU1 2AB

US Office

5777 W. Century Blvd. Suite 1110 #2,

Los Angeles, CA, 90045

Contact Us
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