Content writer
Genny Methot
I develop, plan, and write Geeky Tech’s content and work with our paid media specialists to develop engaging ad campaigns. I am also your humble podcast host.
My Experience at Geeky Tech
I’m responsible for all things copy related.
In my short tenure at Geeky Tech, I’ve realised that working with like-minded individuals who refuse to live the nine-to-five lifestyle is incredibly motivating. It is possible to have a job and enjoy life all at once. I’m really grateful to have found Geeky Tech and look forward to working on future projects.
What Makes Me a Geek the Geekiest
I get annoyed with poorly written copy. I’m also the co-host of a podcast called Writing the Broomstick, where we explore witchy topics and give writing advice to new and established fantasy authors.
My Office Claim to Fame
I wrote the template for these bio pages. Also, I’ve apparently stripped Alan of his position as the only twin in the office.